ISPE发布了新的清洁验证指南——《ISPE基准指南:清洁验证生命周期–应用,方法和控制 ;(ISPE Baseline Guide: Cleaning Validation Lifecycle: Applications, Methods, and Controls) ;》
8.2 TestMethod Assessment for Bioburden and Endotoxin
8.2.1 Swab Recovery Method Assessment
The recovery study results should beassessed by the QC laboratory when reviewing cleaning validation and routinemicrobiological data. If the recovery results are low, then an RCF should be applied to the final test results to ;compensate for sampling method limitations and to determine if the acceptance criteria weremet.
Appendix 4 describes a standard swabtest method assessment based on “A Novel Improved Bioburden Recovery MethodUsing Swabbing Technique” [108]. For standard bioburden recovery, afterswabbing is complete typically the swab is either streaked onto an agar mediumor transferred into a liquid medium, vortexed for about 30 s and then the liquid sample preparation is tested by pour-plate or membrane filtration method[37].
Appendices 4 and 5 describe themethods for collecting and extracting microorganisms from swab material. Usinga commercial swab kit is recommended for this study. There are many differentcommercially available swabs that can be used, especially for surface sampling.Most swab wetting solutions contain an emulsification and neutralizing bufferto neutralize cleaning agents that may inhibit microbial growth. Theemulsification solution extracts the ;microorganismsfrom the swab material and disperses them into the solution. This allows therecovery of any ;microorganismsexposed to specific cleaning agents
It should be noted that typicalrecovery specifications applied to chemical cleaning validation are not appliedto microbiological recovery. For bioburden limits, a 50% recovery isoutstanding; usually recoveries obtained are around 5%–20%, with some companiesstating only “growth” as the recovery requirement. The bioburden recoveryresults for some materials (porous) can even be less. However, the methoddescribed in this Guide should assist in getting recovery rates greater than50%.
Consider that there is one factoraffecting these recoveries that is normally not an issue in chemical cleaning ;validation: the survival of the microorganisms.